Your First Visit To Our Barstow CA Chiropractor

First you will be greeted by our friendly staff. We will then get some information on you and your problem. Our Barstow CA chiropractor will examine you to discover the underlying cause of your problem. He will then suggest a treatment plan to produce the fastest results possible, and show you ways to speed your recovery with home care instructions. If X-Rays are required, we have the very latest in High Definition All Digital X-Ray, detecting problems ordinary X-Rays might miss. The elderly, children, or more severe patients may receive gentle non-force treatment. Others may benefit from traditional chiropractic care and therapy including ultrasound, muscle stimulation, laser therapy, or gentle traction.
You’re the Boss
Regardless of your health goals, please understand we see ourselves as mere servants. You’re the boss. It’s your body, your health and your future. Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care possible. Although we hope you’ll understand the value of maintaining your health with chiropractic care, it’s up to you to decide how much of it you want.
Barstow CA chiropractic patients appreciate that we explain everything in advance!
Your Second Visit to Our Barstow CA Chiropractic Clinic

On your report visit we explain what we found and how we may be able to help you
After we study your health history and correlate our examination findings, we’ll make recommendations designed to help you get and keep your health. We call this the Report of Findings.
In certain situations, and in the professional judgment of Dr. Martin, we sometimes make exceptions. It just depends on your unique situation.
8:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
(Silverlakes location)
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Martin Chiropractic - Barstow
225 E Buena Vista St
Barstow, CA 92311